Travel Cat | Your Cat Backpack - "The True Adventurer" Reflective Cat & Kitten Harness: Grey / M
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Travel Cat | Your Cat Backpack - "The True Adventurer" Reflective Cat & Kitten Harness: Grey / M
And Leash Set for Adventure Cats
What you've stumbled upon - a site and community filled with people who do more with their cats - is a small but mighty and growing community. The Travel Cat community is filled with cat parents who realize exploring with your cat - getting in the sights and smells outside of the house - is rewarding, healthy, and benefiticial for both human and feline.
Having high-quality gear is the most important factor when looking to spend bonding time outside of the house with your cat. We design our products with your cat's comfort and safety as top priority, along with your convenience and comfort as the cat parent, of course!
This easy-on, comfortable, and safety harness is exactly what you need for your outside adventures - whether that's walks around the block, road trips, hiking at National Parks, flying across the country, or anything in between.
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